Preprints 2000-2001

No. 132 Bruce Eastwood and Gerd Graßhoff Planetary Diagrams-Descriptions, Models, Theories: from Carolingian Deployments to Copernican Debates

No. 133 Matthias Dörries Ernest Renan, a Prophet in a Scientific Age

No. 134 Ulf von Rauchhaupt To venture beyond the Atmosphere. Aspects of the Foundation of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial

No. 135 Peter Berz und Christoph Hoffmann Sichtbare Grenzen. Ernst Machs Notizen zu den ballistisch-fotografischen Versuchen 1886/87: Faksimile der Seiten 90-129 aus Ernst Machs Notizbuch 25 nebst Einleitung und Kommentar

No. 136 Jürgen Renn und Matthias Schemmel Waagen und Wissen in China. Bericht einer Forschungsreise

No. 137 Alfred Gierer On Modern Science, Human Cognition and Cultural Diversity. An Essay

No. 138 Michael Hagner Psychophysiologie und Selbsterfahrung. Metamorphosen des Schwindels und der Aufmerksamkeit im 19. Jahrhundert

No. 139 Olivier Darrigol and Jürgen Renn The Emergence of Statistical Mechanics. Contribution to the Enciclopedia Italiana

No. 140 Sven Dierig, Jörg Kantel, Henning Schmidgen The Virtual Laboratory for Physiology

No. 141 Christoph Lüthy The Invention of Atomist Iconography

No. 142 Gerald L. Geison and Manfred D. Laubichler Reflections on the Role of Organismal and Cultural Variation in the History of the Biological Sciences

No. 143 William G. Boltz Monosyllabicity and the Origin of the Chinese Script

No. 144 Volkmar Schüller Newtons Scholia aus David Gregorys Nachlaß zu den Propositionen IV - IX Buch III seiner Principia

No. 145 Peter Damerow, Jürgen Renn, Simone Rieger, Paul Weinig Mechanical Knowledge and Pompeian Balances

No. 146 Jens Høyrup What could they think? What would they refuse to say?

No. 147 Horst-Heino v. Borzeszkowski and Renate Wahsner Voltaire’s Newtonianism. A Bridge from English Empiricism to Cartesian Rationalism and Its Implications for the Concept of Mechanics in German Idealism

- Christian Wolff’s Mechanical Philosophy: A Comparison with Isaac Newton’s Mechanics

No. 148 Renate Wahsner Das naturwissenschaftliche Gesetz. Hegels Rezeption der neuzeitlichen Naturbetrachtung in der Phänomenologie des Geistes und sein Konzept von Philosophie als Wissenschaft

No. 149 Catherine Goldstein and Jim Ritter The Varieties of Unity: Sounding Unified

Theories 1920-1930

No. 150 Jochen Büttner, Olivier Darrigol, Dieter Hoffmann, Jürgen Renn, and Matthias Schemmel

Revisiting the Quantum Discontinuity

No. 151 Jürgen Renn Challenges of the Information Revolution for the Max Planck Society

No. 152 Mohamed Abattouy Mechané vs. ˙iyal: Essai d’analyse sémantique et conceptuelle

No. 153 Mohamed Abattouy Nutaf min al-˙iyal: An Arabic Partial Version of Pseudo-Aristotle’s

Mechanica Problemata

No. 154 Cornelius Borck Electricity as the medium of psychic life

No. 155 Annette Vogt Women Members of the Academies of Science - A comparative study with

special consideration of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (1912-1945)

No. 156 Matthias Dörries (Hrsg.) „Kopenhagen“ - Wissenschaftshistoriker auf der Bühne

No. 157 Annette Vogt The Timoféeff-Ressovsky’s - A couple in science

No. 158 Ubiratan D’Ambrosio Mathematics Education and the Denial of Knowledge

No. 159 Mohammed Abattouy Essais Galiléens. Recherches sur la Genèse et le Développement

de la Science de Galilée

No. 160 Jürgen Renn and Tilman Sauer Eclipses of the Stars - Mandl, Einstein, and the Early History of Gravitational Lensing

No. 161 Hubert Goenner Albert Einstein and Friedrich Dessauer: Political Views and Political Practice

No. 162 Alfred Gierer Holistic Biology - Back on Stage?

No. 163 Peter Damerow und Siegbert Schmidt Arithmetik im historischen Prozeß: Wie „natürlich“ sind die „natürlichen Zahlen“?

No. 164 Raymond Fredette Galileo’s De Motu Antiquiora: Notes for a reappraisal

No. 165 Horst-Heino v. Borzeszkowski und Renate Wahsner Infinitesimalkalkül und neuzeitlicher

Bewegungsbegriff oder Prozeß als Größe

No. 166 Alain Desrosières, Einar Lie, Martine Mespoulet and Emmanuel Didier Sampling Humans

No. 167 Peter J. Beurton Hintergründe des modernen Lamarckismus

No. 168 Andreas Mayer From Introspective Hypnotism to Freud’s Self-Analysis

No. 169 Friedrich Steinle „Das Nächste ans Nächste reihen“: Goethe, Newton und das Experiment

No. 170 Gideon Freudenthal Maimon’s Subversion of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: There are no Synthetic a priori Judgments in Physics

No. 171 H. Otto Sibum Shifting Scales. Microstudies in Early Victorian Britain

No. 172 H. Otto Sibum, Richard Staley Natural Standards

No. 173 H. Otto Sibum Narrating by Numbers. Keeping an Account of Early 19th Century Laboratory Experiences

No. 174 Lorraine Daston, Staffan Müller-Wille, H. Otto Sibum A History of Facts

No. 175 Matthias Dörries, Lorraine Daston, Michael Hagner (Hrsg.) Wissenschaft zwischen Geld und Geist

No. 176 Jürgen Renn Erwirb es um es zu besitzen: Kulturelles Erbe im Zeitalter der Informationsrevolution

No. 177 Mohammed Abattouy Greek Mechanics in Arabic Context

No. 178 Mohammed Abattouy Interculturalité et Renaissance Scientifique

No. 179 Jürgen Renn and Matteo Valleriani Galileo and the Challenge of the Arsenal

No. 180 John Baines The earliest Egyptian writing: development, context, purpose

No. 181 Oscar João Abdounur Ratios and music in the late Middle Ages: a preliminary survey

No. 182 Matthias Schemmel The Sections on Mechanics in the Mohist Canon

No. 183 Robert Englund The State of Decipherment of Proto-Elamite

No. 184 Laura Otis The Metaphoric Circuit: Organic and Technological Communication in the Nineteenth Century

- The Other End of the Wire: Uncertainties of Organic and Telegraphic Communication

No. 185 Matthias Dörries Purity and objectivity in nineteenth-century metrology and literature

No. 186 Friedrich Steinle Challenging established concepts: Ampère and exploratory experimentation

No. 187 Hubert Goenner The quest for ultimate explanation in physics: reductionism, unity, and meaning

No. 188 Fernando Vidal Extraordinary Bodies and the Physicotheological Imagination

No. 189 Georges Canguilhem Das Experimentieren in der Tierbiologie [Übers. v. Henning Schmidgen]

No. 190 Domenico Giulini Das Problem der Trägheit

No. 191 Jürgen Renn (ed.) ECHO - an infrastructure to bring European Cultural Heritage Online

No. 192 Dieter Hoffmann Zwischen Autonomie und Anpassung: Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich